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PenningtonChurch of England Junior School

Welcome toPenningtonChurch of England Junior School

Consultation on the amalgamation of Pennington Infant School and Pennington C of E Junior School

Hampshire County Council, with the full support of the headteachers and their governing bodies, wishes to consult on the amalgamation of Pennington Infant School and Pennington CE Junior School.


This consultation will run from Friday 18 October to Friday 22 November 2024


. A drop-in session has been arranged where you will have an opportunity to discuss the proposals with representatives of the governing bodies and Hampshire County Council officers.


Please see the table below for details of the drop-in session: 


Pennington Church of England Junior School Officers will take into consideration all the consultation responses received before deciding whether the proposal should continue to the formal publication stage.

Click this link to read the full letter: Consultation Documentation
