Afterschool Clubs will return w/c 13th January. Clubs 3.15 - 4.15pm. Monday - Netball. Tuesday - Football & Art. Wednesday - Multi-skills & Gardening. Thursday - Gymnastics & Handball or Basketball. Friday - Cricket. Activities Club Friday 5.30 - 7pm
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PenningtonChurch of England Junior School

Welcome toPenningtonChurch of England Junior School

Relationship and Sex Education

The aim of RSE is to give young people the information they need to help them develop healthy, nurturing relationships of all kinds, not just intimate relationships. It should enable them to know what a healthy relationship looks like and what makes a good friend, a good colleague and a successful marriage or other type of committed relationship. As a school, we would always want to deliver a curriculum which has the support of the vast majority, if not all, parents. Please use the links below to view the school’s consultation powerpoint and RSE policy
