At Pennington C of E Junior School, we believe it is every teacher’s responsibility to adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all pupils.
We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our children whatever their needs or abilities. All the staff havea positive and constructive attitude towards those with learning difficulties.
We welcome the diversity of our children and work to ensure each child is valued and that all are included in the curriculum and the overall life of the schools.
The Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Rebecca Borrough. She can be contacted via the school office (Tel: 01590 672104) or your class teacher.
The provision for children with SEND at Pennington Junior School strives to develop their global development, allowing them to develop independence in their learning, as well as giving them the motivation and confidence that they needs to be life-long learners.
How are SEND needs identified?
At Pennington Junior School children are identified as needing SEND Support through:
Children with SEND have a significantly greater difficulty in learning that the majority of others of the same age, or they have a disability which makes it difficult for them to use the facilities normally provided for others of the same age in mainstream schools. Someone has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out day-to-day activities.
Children who are identified as having SEND are recorded on our SEND Register as 'SEND Support'. Some children then make very good progress of their needs change and we may no longer feel that they need to be listed as SEND Support; these children will continue to be monitored closely by they class teacher and the SENDCo. Some children have a greater level of need and have an Education and Health Care Plan (EHC Plan)
What is SEND Support?
SEND Support is provision that is needed which is 'different from, or in addition to' the usual school activities and curriculum. This might include:
Our SEND Support is based on a four-part cycle (assess, plan, do, review) known as the Graduated Approach.
Our SEND Information Report outlines our provision for pupils with SEND and how we will implement our SEND Policy.
Local Offer
Every Local Authority is required to publish information about services that are available in their area for children and young people with
SEND and also services outside of the area which children and young people from their area may use. This is known as the 'Local Offer'
Our SEND Information Report forms part of Hampshire's Local Offer.
Hampshire's Local Offer
Click here to view Hampshire’s Local Offer
At Pennington C of E Junior School, we are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all of our children whatever their needs or abilities. All of the staff in our school have a positive and constructive attitude towards those with learning difficulties. We welcome the diversity of our children and work to ensure each child is valued and that all are included in the curriculum and the overalllife of the school. All teachers are teachers of all children, including those with Special Needs and Disabilities.
We will consider at all stages of planning: