Afterschool Clubs will return w/c 13th January. Clubs 3.15 - 4.15pm. Monday - Netball. Tuesday - Football & Art. Wednesday - Multi-skills & Gardening. Thursday - Gymnastics & Handball or Basketball. Friday - Cricket. Activities Club Friday 5.30 - 7pm
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PenningtonChurch of England Junior School

Welcome toPenningtonChurch of England Junior School

Years 5 & 6

Barn Owls and Eagles welcome you to their pages.

Year 6 Residential ppt Presentation for Parents

SATS information for Parents

Staying Safe Online

Loss and Bereavement PSHE Topic  Years 5 & 6

This half term we will be delivering two lessons on families and divorce and two lessons on loss, grief and bereavement to year 5 and 6 as part of our PSHE curriculum. These lessons will come at the end of their topic on Relationships, just before half term.


Loss, grief and bereavement are an inevitable part of our lives, so members of our school community will have experienced significant losses or will do so in the future. With the sad passing of Queen Elizabeth II yesterday, it will be an opportunity to talk about this. We think it is important to provide the children with the skills they need to manage difficult feelings, to understand grief and be able to support others.


Our teachers have been trained to deliver this sensitive area of the curriculum and will use age appropriate materials {story books / film clips / poems} to support learning.


It is possible your child will come home and ask you questions about this topic. You may find it helpful to look at the information and resources on the website of Winston’s Wish, a child bereavement charity or to watch the following short video, which explains one way of looking at grief and grieving.  See the link below.


If you would like to know more about these lessons please contact us and we can discuss it.

Most importantly, if your child has experienced a significant loss or bereavement, recently or in the past, or if there is a family member or friend who is seriously ill, please contact your child’s {PSHE / class teacher}. We can discuss with you whether it is appropriate for them to be in the lesson and be prepared to give them any additional support they may need.

Every day we try to be the Best we Can whether at home or at school. We aim to come to school eager to learn something new, to grow our talents, and to become the very best person we can be. We aim head home from school, and keep learning, sharing our experiences, our adventures and our friendships with our family.


We encourage parents to be involved in your child's learning, but if you would like further information then please talk to your class teacher.


Year 6 Leavers Video 2022

Upper school pupils have been working hard on a plastic campaign and have done some amazing modelling.
They put on an exhibition in theschool hall one afternoon and were delighted to be able to show their work to parents, teachers and lower school children, we have captured some of their work to share with you.

Our DT Project

Still image for this video
"As the school staff down tools for Christmas holidays, the children let their imaginations shine through and using their tools in our design and technology lessons, some brilliant buggies were brought to life.

It was brilliant to see them journey from the planning stage, right through to the build stage and overcoming all the challenges in between.

Could we have discovered a future star of the design world? Who knows. Either way, we were very proud of the hard work from the children and buggies they created."

Mr MacGregor - Falcons



In year 6, our children have the opportunity to go on a residential parent's will recieve a text about this in early January.
The deposits are due by the end of March and the final balance by the end of April.


Working with Priestlands


Highlights from a trip to Priestlands School - the year 6 get to visit as a year group to discover the facilities, activities, learning opportunities and adventure that awaits them in secondary school.

web sites and downloads


Our year 5 & 6 teachers are starting to think about creating a list of web site which they think you might like to explore....  to start with they have suggested some great books you might like to read.

Did you know you can join the Library for free? Once a member you can even download books and magazines for free? They have a great reading scheme in the holidays too.  Did you know you can even join online?

