Clubs 3.15 - 4.15pm. Monday - Netball. Tuesday - Football & Art. Wednesday - Multi-skills & Gardening. Thursday - Gymnastics & Handball or Basketball. Friday - Cricket. Activities Club Friday 5.00-6.30pm
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PenningtonChurch of England Junior School

Welcome toPenningtonChurch of England Junior School

School Clubs and Wraparound Care

Clubs and Activities


We are incredibly excited at Pennington Church of England Junior School to offer a great variety of extra activities that your children can enjoy, as well as providing wrap around care from 7.45am until 5pm.


Wraparound Care


We have seen that there is some need for after school childcare in addition to the after school sports clubs we offer. 


We run an afterschool provision for working parents/carers from 3.15pm until 5pm.

Children can attend the after school provision until 5pm after they have been to a sports club if they prefer.   


Breakfast Club

  • This is £1.50 per session and can be paid online via SCOPay or with cash via the school office. 
  • This is held in the school hall and children can enter through the hall doors from 7.45am


The Afterschool Provision is available until 5pm for those needing childcare due to work commitments.

  • This is £4 a session and can be paid online via SCOPay or with cash via the school office. 
  • If children attend the sports club and then the after school club, it will be a £4 charge.  
  • Please collect from the school office


Afterschool Clubs        

These take place, weather permitting, straight after school until 4.30pm. Please pick children up from the front of the school.

The cost remains is £1 a session, which can be made via Scopay or with cash through the front office.

Please ensure prompt payment, so we can continue to run these. Thank you

Sample Prog.
MondayCompetition Practice

Football / Netball / Art

WednesdayHIIT / Gardening
ThursdayGirls Football / Gymnastics
Activities Club  5:30-7pm



Changes to the timetable are shared on Facebook and in our newsletter.

PLEASE NOTE:  All clubs start back the 2nd week of term.


What activities do we do: athletics, netball, tennis, football, gymnastics, hockey, fitness, cricket, denchball, rounders, basketball, tag rugby, boccia, gardening, art, drama and homework!

Activities Club

Activities club is back on Fridays!
  • All year groups - 5.30pm to 7pm
  • We will have the tuck shop open selling sweets, crisps and drinks.
  • The entrance fee is £1 and all monies go to support the sports and activities club.
  • Please ensure the children have a small amount of cash.
  • Entrance through the hall or through the main gate in the Summer Term.
  • Children must be picked up after the club.
This is a fantastic opportunity for your child to mix with members of staff, volunteers and children in a relaxed and supervised way, and have FUN!

Summer Activities Club on a Friday afternoon



We are a school that likes to party and we have some great discos! They are organised by our PTA, and supported by our school volunteers and the children have a fantastic evening.

The Lower school (years 3&4) have their disco first and then the Upper School (years 5&6) continue the party. All children must purchase their tickets in advance of the event..

Details are always shared in the school newsletter and we will try and remind you via our Facebook page - so make sure you are following us for updates!

Summer Camp


Wow, did you know that Pennington Junior School offers an opportunity for all pupils to attend our school camp on the school grounds?

This is normally held near the end of the school year on a Friday night through to Saturday morning. Children can camp together, have a bbq and enjoy fun and games!

We hold our whole school camp in Summer Term 2.

Details are sent out nearer the time - this is a fun-filled evening with a BBQ and activities
held on the school field with an opportunity to spend the night, if you wish.

School Resiential


Year 6 have an amazing opportunity to attend a school residential - in previous years this has been held in the summer term at Little Canada on the Isle of Wight, Avon Tyrell in Dorset, Tile Barn and Calshot. Details are sent out early in the school year - so please make sure you read all letters from school.


HIghlights from the year's camp are shared in the latest news section, but if you would like to see a taster of just the activities your child may be involved in take a look below:
