On behalf of all the children, staff and Governors, I would like to warmly welcome you to our school.
Pennington Junior School is a small, friendly and inclusive school where the children are at the heart of everything we do. We believe in offering the best possible experiences so that the children are truly engaged and motivated in their learning. Learning is our core purpose and we aim to ensure that every member of our school community, through hard work, perseverance and self-belief can achieve, enjoy and celebrate their own success and the success of others, at all levels and in all things.
We have high expectations of all of our children and we aim to ensure that every day we inspire them to strive to meet the challenges that are placed before them. Our strong and supportive relationships, are the key to our success. This ensures every child feels part of our very special family where we all strive to 'Be the Best we can Be'.
We value strong partnerships between home and school, parents and staff and we recognise and actively encourage the contribution that parents and carers make to school life. We are keen to welcome you into our school and we aim to make school life happy and enjoyable for everyone.
We are a church school and our foundations are built on strong Christian values. Everything we do aims to give your child the finest examples of Christian beliefs and principles.
I hope you enjoy finding out about our school and find the information you are looking for. If you would like to find out more then please do get in touch with us via the school office.
Kirstie Richards
"Hollie has made lots of lovely memories this year, sports day, athletics tournament, rounders tournament, tennis tournament with Mrs Clayts to name a few. Also she has loved spending her year with Mrs Palmer" - Zara, mum to year 6 pupil - July 2022
"Emilia says one of her funniest memories from Yr 6 is camp last week,when she was in a tent with Mia, Alexis and Leah. In the middle of the night, they heard Kestrel and Owl boys singing Her solo Lumbago from Pirates of the Currybean." Edyta - July 2022
"The year 6 performance has always been a highlight and this year was no exception! Well done to all the children and staff!!" Sandy
"Vice Chair Tom Morton and longstanding sailor Gordon Munro had the pleasure of talking to attentive, funny and curious Year 6 students from Pennington Junior School about #lymingtonsailability in a Q&A session. It was wonderful to see the children so engaged and learning about boating for people with different disabilities! Thanks to all the engagement and organisation by their teachers and the Lymington Harbour Commissioners." - Lymington Sailablity
Please find below a copy of our school guide book - created for us by RenoufDesign this is also available to download on the document link below.
Thrive® promotes children’s and young people’s positive mental health and we are thrilled to share that we have been shown to embrace Thrive is our school.