Clubs - Tuesday: Netball, Football and Art Clubs, Wednesday: Multi-skills and Gardening Clubs, Thursday: Gardening and Tag Rugby Clubs, Friday: Activities Club 5.30pm - 7pm
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PenningtonChurch of England Junior School

Welcome toPenningtonChurch of England Junior School

Remote Learning

Remote Learning


Home Learning with Google Classrooms


If we have to move to remote learning for any reason the plan is below:

Each morning by 9am Monday to Friday, a new activity will become available for Maths and English on your child’s Google Classroom*.  The activity is age appropriate and is taken from the national Curriculum objectives for their year group.  There is no need to print the activity as it is accessible to view on screen (please note the pdf's are view only and therefore cannot be completed online).  Paper and pen/pencil will be needed to complete some of the activities set.  Practice activities do not need to be submitted to teachers but if you wish to photograph the work and send it in, we will look at it.


Some of the work must be submitted to the teachers and these will be marked and the children will be able to see the comments.


Google classroom

  • There are clear instructions for your child for the learning for each day. If your child has any questions about the learning, these can be emailed to the upper school or lower school gmail address.
  • Class emails are shared in the video below and in this photo. (You will need to type them in)


These email addresses should only be used to share any work from home! 

If you have any questions or concerns about anything not learning related, please email the office -


  • Your child will be asked to submit some learning to their teachers, this learning will be marked and returned. Some work can be completed at home and does not need to be submitted.
  • Topic based learning will also be found on Google Classroom. We are trialling different ways to make our learning accessible, exciting and relevant for all.  Please bear with us as we get used to the technology!


We will continue to keep you updated with online learning and appreciate that it can be challenging and stressful at times for you and your child/ren. Please do not allow the stress of remote learning to cause friction or problems within your family. If it feels too much, then take a break and let us know and we will try to help. 

* Google Classroom information, Details on Off Line access and Troubleshooting can be found here - or watch the video below.


Google Classroom Walkthrough

Still image for this video

Additional Home Learning Resources

Times Table Rcokstars


All KS2 children have a login for TTrockstars.  This is a great and fun way for them to continue to practise their times tables.  The times tables they need to complete are set weekly by their teacher, but they can also challenge each other and play against their friends.


Purple Mash


Purple Mash is an online learning platform which all our children have access to. The password for this for your child and information about how to access this has been sent home, additional support can be found via the parent portal.


There are many activities that your child can access on Purple Mash as additional learning to those set by their teacher through Google Classroom. just visit:

Rising Stars Reading Planet



Reading - Please encourage your child to read widely and as much as possible.  All children have access to Rising Stars reading books online.


Collective Workship


Working closely with St Marks Church in Pennington we are able to access Collective Workship Services dedicated to our school. You can view the latest playlist here:


Useful Links


In addition to the above, we also recommend the following links for valuable resources to support learning at home

Health and Well Being


Looking after our physical and mental health will be vital over the coming weeks so here’s a couple of links that should help with this -


Join us on Facebook


Join us on our Facebook page -


Internet Safety


When accessing any of the resources online it is important to remember to be safe online - please report any broekn links or concerns to us as soon as possible - so that we can deal with any issues that arrive outside our control.


Real life examples of Remote Learning.


We have asked families via our social media page to email us or share with us examples of their remote learning set up - we know that evey families situation is different and unique, but we feel it is really benefical for everyone to see different and real examples of what remote learning may look like..

  • either for siblings working together or for individual children working on their own at home
  • Working on computers and laptops
  • Working with pen, penciles and art materials
  • examples of how learning can happen everywhere - for example we shared a local location, challenge the children to find the spot, travel there safely and share with us that they achieved that goal.


Believe in You

"Believe in yourself and you can achieve anything" - was the challenge we mentioned on Tuesday as part of Hampshire School Games.
We would love to know what you have achieved this week... Big achievements, small achievements, we believe in all of you, and would love to share some of your achievements just as we would in school... and this is some of the response:



  • "Jessica has learnt how to use the computer by herself to do all her work. She learnt how to highlight words on the computer and underline too! Jessica has also learnt how to correctly boil an egg (using alexa to time it perfectly!) "
  • "We have learnt that keeping phoebe inside for 10 days is absolute hell! "
  • "Bobby has learnt how to make a perfect cup of tea, I’ve learnt that no matter how many times you clean the kids will wreck it within seconds!!"
  • "Jackson learned to walk this week and Brody learned to say Burger "
  • "Hunter learnt to count to 5 xx"
  • "William has learnt how to wash dishes and now insists on doing it every day! Also learning how to play cricket"
  • "Scarlet learnt how to cook, she made a delicious pasta dish!"
  • "I handed in my 4000 word research essay for psychology, that was an achievement!"
  • "I opened a new aspect to my business, which was harder than expected. Simon bought a submarine.... in his game . Lex read a 500 page book in 3 days (we did make her leave her room for walks and learning ) Tobias has perfected "Dada".
  • "Michael, after 2 weeks, managed to run 2km route without one stop as part of morning exercises, also he and his sister managed to maintain vertical position for much longer than horizontal, on his in line skaters."


We believe in all our families.. all their achievements matter, and every member of their family matters too.  It is great to see that everyone is doing their best to "Be the Best they can Be"


