Clubs 3.15 - 4.30pm. Monday - Netball. Tuesday - Football & Art. Wednesday - Multi-skills & Gardening. Thursday - Gymnastics & Handball or Basketball. Activities Club Friday 5.00-6.30pm
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PenningtonChurch of England Junior School

Welcome toPenningtonChurch of England Junior School

Years 3 & 4

In Red Kites and Eagles, every day we try to be the Best we Can whether at home or at school. We aim to come to school eager to learn something new, to grow our talents, and to become the very best person we can be. We aim head home from school, and keep learning, sharing our experiences, our adventures and our friendships with our family.


We encourage parents to be involved in your child's learning, but if you would like further information then please talk to your class teacher.


Learning is fun, and it really helps us if you are prepared every day to do your best - that means PE Kits, Library Books and Home Learning done on the right days...  we hope you can do this, if we change which day - we share reminders on our facebook page:



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