Clubs 3.15 - 4.15pm. Monday - Netball. Tuesday - Football & Art. Wednesday - Multi-skills & Gardening. Thursday - Gymnastics & Handball or Basketball. Friday - Cricket. Activities Club Friday 5.00-6.30pm
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PenningtonChurch of England Junior School

Welcome toPenningtonChurch of England Junior School

Uniform Information

School Uniform

School Uniform

Taking pride in school is important and one way of showing this and sharing a sense of identity is through the wearing of school uniform and general appearance. Although not compulsory you can purchase the logo’ed uniform through PMG schoolwear based in New Milton. Non logo'ed items may be purchased from other high street retailers.

Please ensure every item is labelled with your child's name as otherwise it may not get back to your child if they misplace it.


The current uniform is:



  • Black/ Grey Skirt or Trousers
  • Navy or White Polo Shirt- named ones can be purchased from the school shop :PMG. (the gold polo shirt is being phased out by the end of the summer term 2023)
  • Named School Hoodies, Jumpers and Cardigans can be purchased from the school shop :PMG.
  • Black school shoes must be worn
  • PE Kit - in a named drawstring bag- please ensure every item is labelled. The children have named boxes for all items to be stored in, so please ensure the bags can be hung.
  • Team coloured T-shirt with school logo (Contact the school office if u sure of team colour)
  • Blue shorts
  • Dark tracksuit trousers & top for the winter.
  • Spare socks
  • Trainers- outdoor use only. We try and do the daily mile every morning, so this helps ensure our children can enjoy being active.
  • A waterproof coat - we may go outside whatever the weather.

Please ensure every item is labelled with your child’s name, as otherwise it is difficult to return it if it is lost.


Other opportunities to purchase school uniform include:


  • The school office. We reserve the right to sell any unnamed/unclaimed lost property to parents requesting used uniform from the school office. We don't have facilities to keep lost property indefinitely - so after a minimum of 6 weeks unclaimed items will be considered a donation to the school and we will sale them in aid of our current fundraising project.
  • If you are having are unable to obtain your child's uniform for any reason then please pop into the school for an informal conversation and we can point you into the right direction - we have a variety of resources available. This includes a number of pre-loved uniform we are able to provide free of charge.




    PE Days

    A reminder of our PE Days (Jan 2023) so that you can ensure your child's PE Kit is in school.


    • Harriers – Tuesday & Wednesday
    • Red Kites – Tuesday & Friday
    • Falcons – Monday & Wednesday
    • Kestrels – Thursday & Friday
    • Owls – Monday & Thursday


    Children should have their PE kit in school everyday, just in case of a day change, or if a change of clothes are needed.

    Team colours at Sports Day!

    PMG Information (the New Milton School Uniform shop)

    Toys, Phone, electronics


    Phones and electronic devices (tablets, computers etc)


    • These are not encouraged in school and we do not except any responsibilty towards them.
    • As a rule no child should bring a mobile phone or other electronic items into school.
    • We do, however, appreciate that there may be occasional times when your child may need a mobile phone for an after school event or walking home. If this is the case, please ensure that the child hands in their phone to the office for safekeeping at the beginning of the day.
    • They can then collect at home time.
    • Smart watches cannot be worn during the school day due to their value and their capacity for recording, photography, internet and messaging.  Please make sure your child does not wear these watches to school. We are grateful for your support with this


    Toys in School


    • We discourage this as far as possible, as they can be broken or lost. We have a clear rule that swapping is not allowed.
    • As a school we provide balls and outside toys for break time activities.  We therefore ask that no balls are brought in from home.


    Please note:  Any high value items (emotionally or finanically) should not be brought into school.


    Lost Property


    • Please ensure ALL school uniform is labelled.
    • We cannot be held responsible for items lost.
    • The PTA / School office will sell unwanted school uniform during cake sales and fundraising events, and via the school office.


    If you discover your child has lost something, please encourage them to think where they left it, to look for it - you are welcome to come and help them look and then ask in lost property. If it is clearly labelled then we will try and reunite if with your child.


    Unclaimed loss property will be kept for a minium of 6 weeks, so please make sure you claim missing items promptly.


    Please note:  Any high value items (emotionally or finanically) should not be brought into school.
