Promoting British Values at Pennington C of E Junior School
The DfE have reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
The Government set out its definition of British values in the 2011 Prevent Strategy, and these values are interwoven within the curriculum of Pennington C of E Junior School and are promoted in the following ways:
Children have the opportunity to put themselves forward for leadership roles in our Pupil Leadership Team. Two children from each class meet half termly to discuss topical issues and how we can make a difference through our actions in school. We believe that every child has a voice and has the right to be listened to; with that right comes the responsibility to listen respectfully to others and, perhaps, agreeing to differ. We also have an elected Eco Team who encourage our school community to be more sustainable and to consider the environment. We also have Sports Leaders who take on roles of responsibility, supporting the sports clubs and sports teachers and encouraging our school to be healthier and fitter.
The Rule of Law
The children learn about the importance of laws, whether they are those that govern the class, the school or the wider community. The children are taught from an early age to ‘Be the Best they Can Be’, living our school values in all that they do. We also have our Classroom charters which are agreed by the whole class to ensure everyone can learn effectively and that they can be happy and safe. Children are taught the value and reasons behind rules and laws and the responsibilities that come with choice.
Individual Liberty
The children are encouraged to make choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. We educate and provide boundaries for our children to make informed choices. They are encouraged to know, understand and exercise their rights and personal freedoms and are advised how to exercise these safely, for example through our ESafety and RSE/PSHE lessons.
Mutual Respect
Mutual Respect is modelled throughout the school and is a regular point of discussion during times we assemble for Collective Worship. As a Church of England school community, we promote the belief that everyone is made in the image of God and therefore is treated with respect. Children learn that their behaviours have an effect on their own rights and those of others.
SMSC means the Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development or Pennington C of E Junior School, its pupils, staff and community.
- The school has a supportive Christian ethos where pupils can be individuals, develop respect for others and be respected themselves. Christian values underpin all aspects of the school’s work and is explicitly explored in daily Collective Worship.
- Pupils are encouraged to be reflective during collective worship and in RE and our carefully planned PSHE lessons.
- The school follows the Hampshire Agreed syllabus for RE, supported by Understanding Christianity.
- Celebration assembly enables pupils to share and celebrate their, and other pupils', successes and achievements. Celebrating talents allows pupils to develop a sense of self.
- Pupils lead collective worhsip in class and for the whole school on a regular basis. They take part in prayer and are helped to reflect on how biblical messages are relevant to their lives today.
- Pupils visit special places and understand their importance in the local community: e.g. St Mark’s Church.
- We have a rich and varied curriculum and seek to develop creative and imaginative responses to art and music. Pupils are encouraged to explore and develop that which inspires them.
- During the school day there is time for reflection and mindfulness in daily worship.
- Our values provide the basis for behaviour and this is promoted consistently through all aspects of school life and through the reward system highlighted in Celebration Assemblies and throughout the school day.
- Policies and curriculum planning provide opportunities for children to consider questions of right and wrong and explore values. Pupils and staff discuss the outcomes and consequences of actions.
- Pupils regularly raise funds for related charities and understand what is happening in other parts of the world.
- Pupils feel comfortable to express their views and show good sportsmanship.
- Children participate in community projects such as singing at the Pennington Village Christmas Event and supporting the Summer event on Pennington Common.
- The school environment, through display etc., reinforces the values of the school community.
- Staff and children act as role models during everyday life, through their roles as Peer Mentors and Sports Leaders.
- We teach the difference between right and wrong and adults consistently model, through the quality of relationships in school, fairness, integrity, justice, respect and conflict resolution.
- Class expectations are drawn up by the children and teacher at the beginning of the year.
- Code of conducts are used for internet safety and bullying and shared with parents.
- Our PSHE curriculum allows children to explore their understanding of what is right and wrong and how our behaviour affects others.
- We foster a sense of community and inspire our pupils to be tolerant and respectful of difference. We promote equality through our PSHE curriculum and other subject areas and through our daily Collective Worship.
- We take opportunities to help those less fortunate than ourselves. Among others, we support, Children in Need, the Foodbank, Oakhaven and the Piam Brown children’s cancer ward in Southampton.
- New pupils adjust well to the school and are firmly accepted by their classmates.
- We develop our pupils’ leadership skills and give them opportunities to exercise responsibility: for example, through the Class Pupil Voice teams, Peer Mentors, Sports Leaders and Junior Librarians.
- A range of before and after-school clubs are offered and are very well attended.
- Residential trips are offered in upper KS2 to promote positive co-operative experiences.
- Pupils join with other pupils from local schools to participate in sports contests and collaborate in teams to compete against other clusters of schools
- Every week, we hold an activities club on a Friday evening from 5.30 – 7.00 pm to give children an opportunity to meet in a relaxed setting to play games and enjoy the company of their peers.
- We offer annual camps in the school grounds for upper and lower school which are very well attended.
- Year 6 have an annual residential to develop their team-working, resilience and social skills and, for many, this is their first time away from home.
- We recognise and nurture pupils’ particular gifts and talents. All are encouraged to be the best that they can be.
- Our new curriculum is designed to develop children’s cultural knowledge and understanding.
- We provide opportunities for pupils to participate in literature, drama, music, art, crafts and other cultural events and encourage pupils to reflect on their significance.
- We reinforce the school’s cultural values through displays, posters, exhibitions etc.
- We are focusing on the teaching of new vocabulary to close the vocabulary gap for our children.
- We are developing a programme to expose children to a range of composers, artists and writers to develop children’s cultural capital.